Category Archive: Ecology Bits

A missing voice

This post is about why I haven’t been writing more blog posts lately. They say you should take care of yourself first and foremost — put on your oxygen mask before helping others — and that’s what I’ve been doing. There are several things going on in my life right now, but I’ll tell you …

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First year retrospective

This is that mandatory post that blog writers write once they’ve been blogging for a year. I started Ecology Bits about a year ago (I’m not a stickler for exact dates) and here’s my take on what it’s been like to be writing in the ecology blogosphere. (Yes, it does, too, exist.)  One thing that …

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From the beginning: my path to ecology

Meg Duffy is collecting ecologists’ origin stories, and who doesn’t like to write about themselves? So here is my story of How I Became an Ecologist. My story begins on the high plains of the Great Karoo in South Africa. I’d never been anywhere like it. The land is flat and dry and ruddy, dotted …

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Ecology Bits is launched!

Ecology Bits is launched! It’s been a long time in coming. I’ve been wanting to blog for the professional ecological community for years, but there have been stumbling blocks. To be fair, the major one was myself: not for lack of commitment so much as being very picky when it comes to design. I dreamed …

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