Margaret Kosmala

Author's details

Date registered: October 2, 2015

Latest posts

  1. First steps — February 16, 2017
  2. A missing voice — February 8, 2017
  3. On requesting letters of recommendation — January 11, 2017
  4. First year retrospective — January 4, 2017
  5. How NOT to get a postdoc position — December 14, 2016

Most commented posts

  1. I am unwilling to relocate again (and it will probably cost me my academic “career”) — 78 comments
  2. Open data, authorship, and the early career scientist — 26 comments
  3. Ecology Bits is launched! — 14 comments
  4. When should I start a family? (Actual advice rather than platitudes for the early career academic) — 14 comments
  5. Observation as an essential ecology skill — 13 comments

Author's posts listings

Finding funding through NSF

I was having lunch with a grad student friend the other day, and I casually mentioned ‘DEB’ while we were chatting. “What’s that?” Asked my friend. I was sort of surprised, because my companion was a top-notch fifth year grad student. But then I remembered that for most of the time I was a grad …

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Ecology Bits is launched!

Ecology Bits is launched! It’s been a long time in coming. I’ve been wanting to blog for the professional ecological community for years, but there have been stumbling blocks. To be fair, the major one was myself: not for lack of commitment so much as being very picky when it comes to design. I dreamed …

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